JFR: A Mission Statement

Greetings ladies and gentlemen.
It is our stated conviction that film reviews generally fall into two categories: the wantonly irrelevant and the utterly inaccessible. In other words, the reader must choose between those reviews that are poorly written and/or pointless, or the dour prattle of those engaged in academic wish fulfilment. There are some truly magnificent exceptions, but so much of what is currently available leaves plenty to be desired. Film is a universal language. It can be a ship passing by in the night, or an everlasting love affair. This choice represents the beauty of the medium. We are free to embrace a good movie as often as we want or never again, and it is hoped that within this forum you will find reviews that mirror this truth.
Each week, a film will be reviewed by both myself - Dan - and my dear friend and fellow scribe, Tom. The reviews will be short and sharp, coming in at between 500 and 750 words (approximately), and there are no specific criteria for selection. We might choose a brand-new film, or wish to highlight an overlooked gem or cult classic; anything and everything is possible. Whatever the choice we will review it, utilising a personally chosen style, emphasis and tone. The choice of film will bounce back and forth between myself and Tom, and whoever makes the choice, the other must follow. We will not confer with each other during the writing process, and the resultant opinions will be individual and very possibly in opposition. In this way you might have the power of two behind one film, or a divergence of opinion that leaves the door open for a deciding and most important opinion: yours.
There is no agenda here other than to celebrate and, if necessary, criticise those films which cross our paths, and hopefully inform and entertain in the process. Please feel free to share any opinions you might have - positive or negative - and we thank you all in advance for taking the time to read about a movie or two.